Worldwide Internet Access Rate 📶💻

Internet Access Write-Up

This project shows what percentage of the population has access to the internet for each respective country. There are over 190 countries included in this report. Not only does the report give the internet access rate of the country overall, but it also gives the access rate for the urban population. Urban areas in this instance represent metropolitan areas or cities. The urban rate is higher than the overall internet access rate in virtually every country, but there are a few exceptions. In addition to delving into internet access, the report also shows the yearly income, per person in each country. Richer countries tend to have greater access to the internet. Internet access is of course a boon for economic growth, commerce, education, human capital expansion, etc. Developing nations that lack internet access will likely have a harder time attaining the status of developed countries. The dataset was published by Sandhya S on Kaggle, based on the findings of Gapminder.

Internet Access Datastories